My Role in Ag

[Welcome!! I took quite a while off from writing this last year, when stress at work made me terribly negative and I struggled to find anything to write about. I also decided to change my website to The Prairie Crocus - it encompasses more of me, rather than just the cows ๐Ÿ˜Š. I can't guarantee that I will stick to writing as much as I did, but I'm going to try.]I think we all tend to ponder our existence, the meaning of our lives, and wonder what the heck kind of gifts we have that we can share with others. I know I do, a lot. Especially when it comes to ranch life.It is hard to come up with an intelligent answer when people ask me what my role in Ag is. I am a rancher, sort of; I mean, I live on a ranch, own and raise cattle, ride horses, fix fence, drive tractors, and know how to drive a stick shift. But I get to do that stuff on the weekends, because I have a full time town job that pays the bills.My {newer, much happier} town job is heavily influenced by Ag, especially considering I work in the Farm Credit system. It is exciting to support local farmers and ranchers and our communities. These people are wonderful to work with--they pay their bills, are honest, and hardworking. I see their struggles--markets, commodity prices, trade wars, weather, consumer issues-- and I feel those same worries.We raise cattle. I worry about them making enough weight to sell. I worry about contract prices. I worry about bulls getting hurt and cows not breeding up. I worry about drought and fires and trade wars, too. I may not be moving cows or making hay every day, but I am passionate about making sure my kids have the opportunity to come back home if they ever choose to.I believe in sharing the stories about the history and the people beyond what is seen from the county road. I am pretty sure we are always going to have to eat, so I want to support the 2% of the American population who have dug in their heels to keep food on our tables.Maybe I can't rope, and despise fence stretchers. But I love being a ranch wife, and love this lifestyle. My role in Ag might be a bit different than other ranch moms, but I'm thankful for you allowing me to share it with you. Welcome, I hope you'll enjoy.{Much love} ๐Ÿ’•Richelle


Fear of the Open Road


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