Signs of Spring

It's fresh horses on a cool spring morning
Conversation that picks up where it left off, perhaps from this time last year
Handshakes and hugs

It's cattle bawling and calves running wild
The whoop and holler from a knowledgeable crew
Pairs being split up, gates being closed
And the clanging of steel as the irons are loaded into the pot, and the whoosh of fire heating up

It's carmel rolls and breakfast burritos
Vaccine being mixed and syringes being filled
It's the nod of the boss, the first throw of the rope
And everyone getting down to business

It's dirt on the breeze, smoke in the air
Manure and blood and sweat
Horsehair and cattle hide
Laughter and a few tears

It's horses waiting for their riders
And wrestlers waiting on a brand
Ranchers watching friends and strangers alike come together to help out

It's a cold beer and a hot meal,
Stories and catching up
A thank you, a see you next weekend, another handshake

It's branding. My favorite sign of spring.

❤️ Richelle


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