Make it Enjoyable

I’ve been forcing myself to go for a walk after the girls go to bed the last few evenings. I sit at a desk staring at my computer for half the day, then catch myself staring at my phone for half of the rest of the day. Pretty soon, evening comes and I realize the only exercise I’ve gotten is the fourteen trips up and down the stairs to the bathroom .

So I make myself go outside, to be alone, to disconnect.

I talk to God. I talk about my fears, my anger, my triumphs and failures. I cuss, sometimes I scream, often, I cry. I wander aimlessly around the bull pasture, or speed walk up the county road, telling Him how I just wish good chocolate was easier to find and how I wish it would rain. I ask Him for help with my heart, and to watch over my kids and husband.

I am not sure if it is the talking, the walking, or the fresh air, but it does seem to be helping my mental state. I know I preach a lot about getting outside, and spending time doing what brings you joy. I admit I am not the best at practicing what I preach, but the truth is, take time to do what brings you happiness. It really does make life more enjoyable.



Sweary Mom


Shots in the Chute