Just Be You
Sweet little girl, I wish you could see the way your eyes light up when you giggle; the way you laugh with your whole body; the way you wrap the world around your fingers- from the day you were born, you are so beautiful.
Stubborn teenage girl, I wish you could appreciate the determination, stubbornness, and desire that flash across your face when you share your passion with the rest of the world. Even when you are angry, lost, or upset, you are so strong.
Determined young woman, I wish you would live your life for you, now- while you can. Before you become a wife or a mother. The dreams you dream will never go away- make the time to do what makes you happy, no matter what. You might fall in (and out) of love, follow your heart but listen to your head. You are so smart.
Beautiful new bride, I hope you continue to love your new husband as much as you did when you said your vows. Marriage is hard work. It takes commitment, patience, and a whole lot of humor. Let go of your pride, and be a team player. Things will go wrong, you will get mad at each other, and break each other’s hearts. But if you really love each other, the things that are hard will make you stronger, and you will learn what is truly important.
Tired new mommy, I wish you knew how fast those babies grow, how fast they change, how quickly they become sweet little children and then stubborn teenagers. You probably feel like you have lost a little piece of your identity since that baby came along; and parts that used to be taught and firm now jiggle and sag. The truth is, though, is that you are more beautiful now than you have ever been. You bear the scars of getting to provide life to a precious child, and there is nothing better.
To the woman looking in the mirror in the morning, I hope you soften your jaw a little and your heart as you take a good look at yourself. All those lines, gray hairs, and even the evil little whiskers that irritate the hell out of you are a monument to the years you have lived. Take a minute to look at that girl in the mirror, and give her the respect she deserves.
The world deserves to see your beauty- both outside and in. Be brave. Be kind. Just be you.
❤ Richelle