Strong Willed Lessons

As strong willed girls do, she fought hard for what she believed in.

She spoke from her heart, letting her emotions hold the reins. Instead of listening and thinking and mulling things over, she just flew off the handle. Too often the tears took over, and then she defaulted to anger.

So often what she was trying to say got twisted and mangled along the way.

People didn't know how to take her. Some were afraid of her, intimidated by her forward manner and lack of a filter. Some were annoyed by her, and treated her like a child. Very few got to know her and learn where she was coming from. No one ever tried to help mentor her.

Eventually, she just stopped speaking up.

She kept her thoughts to herself because in her mind, she was always wrong anyways.

Finally the words started to gnaw at her insides, and she began to realize that this watered down version of herself was not serving anyone.

She handed the reins over to a higher power.
She learned to listen, ask questions, and ponder. She learned that sharing her heart meant being painfully honest at times, which wasn't the same as being brutally blunt.

Time and age and life had humbled her, made her wiser, and allowed her to embrace her vulnerability. Being wrong was no longer a battle she cared to fight. Being a keeper of the truth, and a carrier of kindness were far more important.

❤️ Richelle


New Beginnings


What's Really Important