For the love of Cows…

I often ask myself why I love cattle so much.

Honestly, it makes no sense -

They break fence

They have to be fed even in the worst of conditions

They have to be checked on daily in the winter and at a minimum, every other day when it's miserable hot out

They make more work for us year round

They're expensive

They're dirty

They can hurt you a hundred different ways...

But they also give us so much-

A reason to get outside, all year long

The chance to bring new life into the world

An opportunity to meet amazing people

A desire to work hard, and play hard

The ability to give our kids a life most people will never know

And a million other things, big and small.

Cattle may be a pain in the butt and make me cuss like a sailor at times, but damn, what a life they've given me.



The Most Beautiful Woman in the World


Food Insecurity